Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Ravi and I share my stories and ideas on this blog. I hope that keeps you engaged and entertained.
Education wise, I am from mathematical background. I have studied BSc Honors in Mathematics from Acharya Narendra Dev College, New Delhi and M.Math from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. I work as a freelancer for artofproblemsolving.com
I am a Free Software activist and use it exclusively for all my needs. A few years ago, I realized the need of challenging the monopology of WhatsApp in messaging. Therefore, I am a part of the Prav project, of which I am currently serving as the Chief Executive (CEO).
Further, I package for Debian, run mirrors for LibreOffice and Termux, and map for OpenStreetMap. I like traveling and exploring places.
I can’t wait to share my blog posts with you!